Boarding Assistants (Male & Female)

Job No: TGS35
Location: Townsville

Townsville Grammar School is one of the original Grammar Schools of Queensland. The Year 7-12 campus is located on the original site at North Ward. The School also operates two Junior School campuses, both offering Pre-Prep to Year 6, at Annandale and North Shore.

Townsville Grammar School is a co-educational, non-denominational School with a current enrolment of approximately 1300 students, including 120 boarders (7-12), of whom approximately 25 are international students.

As one of the eight original Grammar schools in Queensland, Townsville Grammar School was established in 1888 and has offered boarding since this time. The School has a long-standing reputation as the leading academic school in Northern Queensland, also offering the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme for Years 11 and 12.

Townsville Grammar School seeks to employ Boarding Assistants (male and female) to join our dynamic boarding team. The commencement date is negotiable.

The School employs a large team of Boarding Assistants who work to provide the very best pastoral and academic support for our boarders. This team is led by a dedicated Head of House and Director of Boarding.


Boarding Assistant duties normally include; supervision during boarding routines, academic assistance during study sessions, providing transport using a school vehicle and co-ordinating small outings with allocated pastoral groups. The roster commitments do not exceed an average of 18 hours per week, averaged over the semester roster.


This position is a ‘live in’ campus basis.  Live in Boarding Assistants are provided with accommodation and term time meals which form part of the remuneration. You are also provided a private room, fully air-conditioned, along with shared common spaces such as kitchen, living and bathroom. Additionally, live in Boarding Assistants receive a fortnightly allowance of $404.00.


If you are able to create a friendly and nurturing environment, and can take ownership and responsibility for the welfare and safety of others, we would love to hear from you. This position would ideally suit a university student or early career teacher.


Please apply by providing a cover letter and up to date resume. 


For further information about this position, contact Mr Daniel Fox, Head of Boarding on 07 4722 4930 or

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About Us

Townsville Grammar School has a long-standing reputation as the leading academic school in North Queensland, offering Pre-Prep to Year 12 (day and boarding) across three campuses. The School employs staff across a range of areas in delivering a Grammar education to approximately 1400 students. These areas include:
• Teaching Prep - Year 12 + International Baccalaureate
• Early education and OSHC
• Music tutors, Sport coaches
• Boarding
• Professional staff - IT, HR, AV, psychology, finance
• Administration, Services - kitchen, laundry, bus fleet, grounds and maintenance